How do you find the cumulative relative frequency? 您所在的位置:网站首页 how to find cumulative frequency table How do you find the cumulative relative frequency?

How do you find the cumulative relative frequency?

2024-01-19 14:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

It's a matter of adding up and taking percentages

If you have a frequency table, you add a few columns to your table:

Cumulative frequency Relative frequency Cumulative relative frequency

Cumulative frequency You add the frequencies up to and including for the value

Relative frequency You express the frequency as a fraction or percentage of total sum of frequencies

Cumulative relative frequency You express the cumulative frequency as fraction or percentage of the total sum of frequencies

Simple example Say you have frequencies: #1-3-4-8-3-1# for 6 different values (total #20#)

Then your relative frequencies will be: #5%-15%-20%-40%-15%-5%#

Your cumulative frequencies will be: #1-4-8-16-19-20#

And your cumulative relative frequencies will be: #5%-20%-40%-80%-95%-100%#






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